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Heroes in Rehab
Almost Live Department

The Heroes try to address all five of your senses during live performance. You see, hear, and smell the band. You are welcome to touch, but no hitting in the face. As for taste, the band has been known to prepare food for its audience, anything from a full meal to Pop Tarts. The Pop Tart practice was discontinued in 1996 after an ugly toaster-throwing incident at Lee's Palace. Some people's children !

Places the Heroes have inhabited:

AidsBeat '97 - June 14, 1997 - Design Exchange, Toronto, Ontario.
AidsBeat '98 - Masonic Temple, Toronto, Ontario.
Coach and Horses, Windsor, Ontario.
Stratenger's, Toronto, Ontario.
Lee's Palace, Toronto, Ontario.
Clinton's, Toronto, Ontario.
Dominion House, Windsor, Ontario.
Black Swan Tavern, Toronto, Ontario.

Most fun of all was the Masonic Temple show in 1998 - Spinal Tap moments abounded as the band became lost and disoriented as the curtain rose and smoke machines began bellowing their - well, smoke. Unfortunately, the genius running the sound board that night hooked the wrong inputs into the tape deck that night, so no recording exists of that show - unless YOU have a bootleg already....

Upcoming Shows

April 19, Olympia Banquet Centre, Hamilton, Ontario.

New !

Here's an unusual tone poem constructed to the exact specifications of eccentric gadabout Leonid Havingevoofer-Trauserkov, a direct descendent of the great composer. It expresses what it feels like to spend time in the rehearsal studio with the Heroes. To hear it, all you need to do is download the...

Havingevoofer Tone Poem.mp3