Here are some links to other cool places on the Web. Official CARTA (Canadian Amateur Rock Thrower's Association) Home Page Why? CARTA is dedicated to the advancement of the sport of rocks. Rocks is played in all four seasons, outdoors, and with a whole mess of beerse. Ed and Davey C. have played rocks in Bayfield, Ontario with a bunch of other jokers. Also, many card-carrying members of CARTA have attended numerous Heroes shows. Sometimes, they buy us beer. Canadian Culture Home Page Why? Do you really have to ask that question? If you do, then you damn sure need to take a peek at this page, mister. Some Heroes fans contributed articles 'n stuff to this page. Ed submitted a picture taken by Davey C., when the prodigal percussionist was in temporary exile in Fort Frances, Ontario, Canada. Check it out...there is a brilliant and very scientific photo essay on the role of Labatt 50 (say "fitdty") in the life of the Canadian male. Expand your mind, 'kay? Reaction Studios Home Page Why? Well, Heroes recorded Ouais in this really cool studio located on McGee Street in Toronto, Ontario. The equipment is excellent, especially the mixing console, the mondo B3 and the Leslie speaker. Also, the parking lot is an perfect venue for down-time road hockey games. They haven't put a link up to OUR page yet, but that place still rocks the nation with a large two-handed sword.... We discovered Reaction Studios because that's the place that Canada's most excellent band, "Rheostatics" recorded much of their work, including possibly the coolest sounding record ever made, "Whale Music". If you're an artist considering a recording project, especially a Canadian artist, check out Reaction's site and you're likely to find that some of your favourite artists made their records right there at Reaction. We got no attitude, lots of help (even with the stupid questions) and had a great time working on our project. Official Site of Rheostatics, Canada's coolest band We would be remiss if we didn't at least try to turn you guys on to this amazing band from Etobicoke, Ontario. These guys are multi-instrumentalists, one and all. If you do nothing else after visiting this site, go out and get yourself a copy of "Whale Music", their most amazing record. Their music defies convention and compartmentalization, but it is rich, beautiful, thought provoking and proudly Canadian. Even if all you hear to begin with is the beautiful vocal harmonies, you will agree that these guys got game like nobody's business. If you are lucky enough to be in or around Toronto during their annual "Green Sprouts Week" of nightly performances, come on down and check out their live show - you won't be disappointed. Peter Ferguson's web site Peter Ferguson did the really cool cover art for our disc "Ouais". We didn't know him, and he didn't know us, but we did meet him at the Black Swan one night over beerse and happened to see inside his sketch book. Since doing work for us, Peter's gone on to do illustrations for a ton of different publications, and he did a series of ads for one of Canada's big brewers (they make "50") that freaked Ed right out. It's kind of neat to think we were as immediately taken with his work as people who know about these things. Anyway, if you click the link you'll go to his website - it features a look inside the very same sketchbook. One of the images featured there is a rough draft of the eventual cover image for "Ouais". Cool ! |