Another Wavy Gravy demo.
This song was based around a riff that Rui brought
to the band. Ed wrote a lyric to coincide.
Originally designed to sound "like a Chilean
folksong" (?) the song has morphed into something
unto itself. When performed live, the middle bit
includes a round of handclapping because we don't
have any additional percussion 'cept what de Good
Lord done give us. The lyric is about a guy that
falls in love with a hooker, because there just
aren't enough Chilean folksongs about hookers. And
yes, it's fictional. Get your mind out of the
gutter! Considerable abuse has been heaped upon
the choice of "Lorelei" as the name of the title
character, most of which relates to the apparent
existence of a song by the very crappy band "Styx"
that uses the same name. When someone can suggest
a name that fits better, it will be considered... |